Virtual KonMari Method Organising

What is Virtual Organising?

Virtual organising is done through on-line coaching sessions (via Zoom or Skype). It is different to in-home organising sessions as I am not physically in your home to be ‘hands on’ whilst guiding you through the KonMari method of tidying.

Virtual organising sessions can give you the ability to work with a professional organiser even if there isn’t one in your area, and can be valuable in our current time of Covid-19 when we are unable to invite people into our homes.

Virtual organising can also benefit people who are on a tight time schedule as virtual sessions tend to be shorter than in-home sessions, and the cost of a virtual session is less than an in-home session which may appeal to those on a tighter budget too.

You may want to use virtual organising sessions to carry out your entire tidying journey with a qualified KonMari consultant or you may feel that you can tackle most of your home organising on your own, but need a little extra accountability from a consultant - someone to check in with to give you some support and guidance.

How does it work?

I will be coaching and guiding you through the KonMari Method™ via on-line calls. You will therefore need to do the physical work associated with tidying your belongings with the support of my on-line guidance.

Virtual sessions tend to be shorter than in-home sessions as it is harder to concentrate for long periods of time when working virtually.

To keep up the momentum and because the physical tidying work is reliant on your input, I will ask you to do some tasks for homework in between our sessions.

It is useful for me to be able to see your progress after each session. In light of this, please ensure that you are on a lap-top or tablet (not a desktop computer) during all our sessions so that you can move the device around your home and allow me visual access. Please also ensure that your device is fully charged before our call, and do keep your charger handy just in case! 

If you would like to find out more, see the services page or click the ‘contact me’ button at the bottom of this page to get in touch.