Ideal Lifestyle

Preparation for your first Session:

Before I come to your home for our first tidying session, I will ask you to imagine your ‘ideal lifestyle’ - what brings you joy? What do you enjoy doing in your home? What does your ideal day look like? How do you want to feel when you walk into your home? We want to establish why you are taking this journey and what you want to achieve from it.

I would like you to create a ‘vision board’ by either creating a Pinterest board or using the traditional method of cutting out pictures from newspapers and magazines. Feel free to write explanations or do your own drawings. Be as creative as you like.

You don’t have to show me your ‘ideal lifestyle vision board’ but I will ask you to refer to it as we are joy-checking your items because we will be working towards your goal of achieving your ideal lifestyle during our sessions. Your home needs to support you in your ideal daily life, not get in the way of it.

Please don’t tidy up before our first session as I need to see how the spaces in your house are currently working (or not working) for you.

If you haven't ready any of Marie Kondo’s books, or seen her Netflix series then you may find it helpful to read ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying’, or ‘Spark Joy’ by Marie Kondo or to watch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix.

During our Sessions:

In each session we will be focusing on what items bring you joy. It can take a little practice to really flex the joy-checking muscles, so don’t be disheartened if it takes a few hours to really get to grips with the process.

It is entirely your decision as to what you want to keep and discard, I am here to guide you through the method and be your support.

We will need the ability to focus without interruptions so please let others in the household know that we will need time and space in the house for our sessions.

I work with one client at a time, so whilst I readily welcome interest in the process from other members of your family / household, it is important that you are left to make your own decisions about your possessions. It is only your possessions that we will be joy-checking unless you have permission from other members of the household to make decisions about shared items (kitchenware etc).

We will be moving about a lot so please wear comfortable clothing. We can take breaks whenever needed.

Professional Organiser

Home Organiser

After our Sessions:

After each session, I will give you a small amount of ‘homework’ to do so that you can practice the KonMari Method™ to declutter your house on your own and really get to grips with it. This also keeps the momentum going in between sessions.

I will give you lots of ideas and tips on storage to ensure everything has its own place in your home - concentrating especially on ease of access and visibility.

I can give you advice about where to donate your unwanted items (e.g. Charities that take specific items), how to upcylce or re-use items. Please see my Blog for more information on this.

I can also arrange to sell your items. Please see ‘Other Services’ for more information.